Winx : The Collected Edition

Ray Thomas
Winx : The Collected Edition

Winx : The Collected Edition
ISBN: 9781925927153
Publication Date: 1 August 2019

Follow Winx's journey from cover to cover, or open the book at any page. It's one champion writing about another and readers are the winners. During myriad visits to courses to cover all facets of the sport; from mid-week meetings to Melbourne Cups, Cox Plates, Golden Slippers and The Everest, Ray Thomas chanced upon Winx at her first two runs in 2014. As this book of stories about her show, he knew early on he was glimpsing a champion but kept a tight rein on making that prediction. As Winx's career began to blossom, Ray Thomas started to expand his writing to include insightful stories on Chris Waller and his training methods, the owners and how the horse has affected their lives, and how the public has reacted to the new phenomenon of the turf. Ray's vast racing knowledge and ability to engage with trainers, jockeys, owners, bookmakers, farriers, strappers, form analysts, administrators and others involved in the industry have allowed him to bring all aspects of horse racing to the page - and the reader.