Why We Love Star Wars

Mango Media
Why We Love Star Wars

Number one Amazon bestseller!

Why We Love Star Wars celebrates the iconic (andlesser known) moments when we got hooked as Star Wars fans. Bythe end, the reader will be inspired to revisit their love for the franchise.

Whatbegan as one movie about good people, evil oppressors, and the space wizardsthat stood between them has exploded into a franchise.

Allof us who are deeply influenced by the epic saga of Star Wars haveour favourite moments. Each time the screen goes black, the music blasts andyou see those words — 'A Long Time Ago, In A Galaxy Far, Far Away' — you becomea kid again.

KenNapzok, expert appreciator of Star Wars, counts down each one ofthose special moments. The moments that continue to inspire are on screen andin the pages of novels. They are found in the panels of comic books and amonganimated sequences on television. And they all continue to grow in stature,importance, and myth through discussions, debates, and daydreams. 

Rediscovereach one of those moments and share them with the last and next generation offans.