Tiger Eye Crystal Gemstone Puff Heart Key Chain - Balance, Willpower, Courage and Clear Thinking

The Holistic Shop
Tiger Eye Crystal Gemstone Puff Heart Key Chain - Balance, Willpower, Courage and Clear Thinking
BALANCE tiger's eye is believed to balance Yin and Yang and energise your emotional body, Lifting your mood, Enhances good luck and brings prosperity.

Tiger Eye Puff Heart Key Chain
Size: about 72mm long, pendant: 24.5 x 20 x 10.5~12mm, ring: 25x2mm.
Presented in Black Velvet Pouch

Affirmation - I am filled with warmth and light.
Chakras - Sacral Chakra and Solar Plexus Chakra
Zodiac - Capricorn
Element - Fire and Earth
Typical colours - golden-brown, blue, red