The Stop, Think, And Go Bears Self Control Game

Guidance Group
The Stop, Think, And Go Bears Self Control Game

This adorable game is designed to help children with problems in impulse control, by teaching children the three basic steps of self-reflection: Stop, Think, and Go. Players win by getting their three bears to the finish line, practising these important skills along the way. As players move their red, green and yellow pawns, they learn to see the consequences of their actions, to brainstorm solutions to common problems and to develop positive behavioural habits that reflect self- discipline and a concern for others.

- Teach self-reflection techniques to children with impulse control
- Help children see the consequences of their actions
- For 2-4 players
- Ages: 5-10

Game Board
12 Bear Pawns
24 Stop Cards (designed to help children see the consequence of their actions.)
24 Think Cards (designed to help children "brainstorm" solutions to common problems.)
24 Go Cards (designed to help children develop positive behavioural habits that reflect self-discipline and a concern for others.)