" the Mystery of the Natural Democracy in Madagascar "

" the Mystery of the Natural Democracy in Madagascar "
*It is a true History! *The Natural Democracy is, grosso modo, described as the system of Government naturally established, in favo (u)r of the People; it is of God's nature. In fact, it is nothing else than the "Authentic Democracy". *The Natural Democracy has always been wanting to be established everywhere in the World, especially since the 17th Century: in the course of the years 1688 in England, 1776 in the United States of America, 1789 in France, 1917 in Russia, ... *The present Book faithfully describes and scientifically explains some Mysteries about the Rightful Process of the Natural Democracy; the heedful examination of this enables everyone to technically understand its exact meaning, its coherent mode of development, its relationship with the Kingdom of the Third Millennium, and why it naturally constitutes the exclusive Right of the Allied Armies!