The Human Rights Game ©

The Brainary
The Human Rights Game ©

Human Rights affects everyone all over the world. However, there are far too many alarming press reports citing ongoing human rights abuses in all walks of life. Furthermore, there are too many reports of students experiencing record levels of anxiety.

The Human Rights Game can be utilised with the curriculum areas; Intercultural Capability, Ethical Capability, Personal and Social, Humanities Civics Citizenship, Humanities History, and Physical Education.

Download the PDF Connecting the Human Rights Game© to the Victorian Curriculum

These are the areas covered:

1. Intercultural Capability (Pages 2-3)
2. Ethical Capability (Pages 4-5)
3. Personal & Social Capability (Pages 6-8)
4. Humanities: Civics & Citizenship (Pages 9-10)
5. Humanities: History (Pages 11-13)
6. Health & Physical Education (Pages 14-15)

The first aim of The Human Rights Game is to make a positive difference by teaching children and teens about their rights, freedoms and responsibilities as individuals and groups of individuals in educational settings. We underpinned our educational game with the United Nations 30 Articles and its three pillars (Freedom, Equity, and Dignity), so that it has contemporary relevance and authenticity. The second aim of our game is to help students learn how to make better choices in a rapidly changing world whereby mores, customs, ethics, and values are learnt from non-traditional sources often with materialistic and prejudice underpinnings. Much of the learning takes place though discussion, short storytelling and problem-solving. The third aim of our game is to help minimize school-based bullying. One of the key learnings associated with participation in gameplay is learning how to be respectful. If students are being respectful, it is virtually impossible to bully. Learning Objectives: The Human Rights Game is an entertaining and highly engaging educational game that addresses the following learning objectives: 1. Learn about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, its 30 Articles and its three underpinning pillars of freedom, equality, and dignity.
2. Learn how the 30 Articles and pillars of the Universal Declaration of Humans Rights relate to everyday life.
3. Develop an understanding of better choices in a variety of everyday situations based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
4. Develop an understanding that more than one solution may be acceptable in a variety of everyday situations involving the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
5. Learn the importance and relevance of problem-solving when more than one solution is acceptable in a variety of situations involving the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
6. Develop an understanding that freedom and rights also come with responsibilities
7. Learn the importance and relevance of healthy rules and regulations in life. SCAN Skills Addressed: Foundation Skills: Basic skills, Thinking skills, Personal Qualities Workplace Competencies: Interpersonal, Information, Systems Playing Time: Flexible 40 - 60 minutes
Players: 2 - 6 Ages: 10 - 14 and 15 plus Grades: 5 - 12 (cards for 5 - 8 & 9 - 12) Contents: Instruction booklet, 6 pawns, 1 dice, 1 one-minute timer, 60 Article Cards, 60 FED Cards, 10 Chance Cards, 10 Bounce Back Cards, and playing board. Read Education Today's article on The Human Rights Game! Read blog: Human Rights, what are they and why do they matter? We also offer a Human Rights Incursion to teach a class for you! **Testimonials:**With Wonderful Thanks to The Office of the President of the General Assembly


The Human Rights Game is an inspirational learning tool that uplifts the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and the United Nations. The UDHR, the most translated document in the world, takes on a new life asking players to think critically about their own personal and collective actions. As we celebrate the 75th anniversary of the United Nations, the Human Rights Game provides a timely opportunity for young people, educators, and their families to discuss and problem-solve effective ways to honour and protect the practice of freedom, equality, and dignity. This interactive experience creates a space for relationship-building and shaping of civic life through a lens of human rights and responsibilities. The Human Rights Game not only enables deep reflection on issues facing schools and communities today but through suggested follow-up discussion and community project development has the potential to infuse positive energy to work together for a hope-filled, healthy and sustainable tomorrow. Kristi Rudelius-Palmer ;

The Human Rights Game

"My co-author Andrea Chorney and I at the United Nations in New York with our educational board game. All going to plan, our game will be available from the UN June 2019 onwards." Hugh Kingsley, The Brainary Click link below to watch: Gerald Leitner, IFLA Secretary-General, celebrating Human Rights Day and the 70th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration Of Human Rights "Few other institutions can claim to be delivering on so many rights, for so many people, in so many places". OCEAN Grove Primary School students have tried their hand at an educational game which teaches them about their rights, freedoms and responsibilities. Testimonials from the attendees of World Education Summit 21 event - (21st September 2021) "It really gets us to think and reflect what are the articles really about. Sometimes we just know the articles, what's "right and wrong", "do this and don't do that", but this game gets us to reflect how would the articles apply."
"I learnt that this is a very interesting game that encourages very engaging conversation."

"That’s a great initiative, Hugh! Very relevant to today’s landscape."

"Thank you very much for introducing us to this thought-provoking game!"

"It's good to encourage listening to others' opinions and encourage discussion."

"The importance of creating a safe space to talk openly about issues that concern humanity."