The Howard L. and Muriel Weingrow Collection of Avant-Garde Art and Literature at Hofstra University

The Howard L. and Muriel Weingrow Collection of Avant-Garde Art and Literature at Hofstra University

The Howard L. and Muriel Weingrow Collection consists of approximately 4,000 items including original illustrated books, periodicals, exhibition catalogues, pamphlets, posters, manuscripts, letters, and original prints representing most of the major avant-garde movements of the twentieth century. It provides important information on primary and secondary works of related movements as well as themes of interest and concern to modern artists and writers. This catalogue is divided into two sections. Part One deals with all material excluding periodicals, which are covered in Part Two. Authors and/or artists are listed alphabetically. Each item is identified in terms of its movement. A description of its size and contents; information on special features of the publication, such as paper, binding, and edition; and other pertinent data concerning materials inherent in the book, periodical, catalogue, or object are provided. The reproductions included are representative of original materials found in the various publications included in this collection.