The Griffoni Polyptych

The Griffoni Polyptych

The Griffoni Polyptych isregarded as one of the greatest masterpieces of the Italian Renaissance.Published for the exceptional reunification - after 300 years - of itsconstituent parts, this book offers the results of a new analysiscarried out for this important occasion.

Commissioned by FlorianoGriffoni for the family chapel in the Basilica of San Petronio inBologna, the polyptych was painted by Francesco del Cossa and Ercole de'Roberti between 1470 and 1472. The Ferrarese artists created afundamental work in the search for a modern feeling of space andvolumes, proposing a 'compositional mosaic' which can be considered analternative to the contemporary works of Piero della Francesca or AndreaMantegna.

Dismantled in 1725 by the new owner of the chapel, thepolyptych was never again reunited: the paintings that formed it enteredthe antiques markets and 16 pieces arrived in the nine museums thatstill preserve them today.

This volume is the most complete monograph on this masterpiece.