The 365 Greatest Movies Ever Made and the Days You Should Watch Them

The 365 Greatest Movies Ever Made and the Days You Should Watch Them

There are certain movies that should be watched on certain days or at certain times of the year, right? Obviously Christmas movies should be watched at Christmastime and perhaps a romantic film on Valentine's Day, but what about the other 350 or so days of the year?
Enter The 365 Greatest Movies Ever Made and the Days You Should Watch Them. Because not every day of the year is a holiday, some dates have to be filled in with simply good movies, if not appropriate movies. That's the fun part. My most important qualification for those in the "365 greatest" was entertaining, not necessarily good in a film class sort of way. Movies should be enjoyable, whether they are comedies, dramas, mysteries, or political thrillers.
The movies listed herein are those that should be watched every day of 2023. In organizing the list I tended to group like films together and, if nothing else, considered the mood of the season.
Now sit back and enjoy the read!