Somali Grammar Revision

Somali Grammar Revision
Somali Grammar Revision is intended for the intermediate or advanced level learners of Somali language. It covers the eleven Somali grammatical categories. The verb and the adjective, 20% of Somali grammatical categories, constitute more than 80% of written and spoken Somali because use of tenses affects both grammatical categories. Somali Grammar Revision: * highlights differences in usage of many aspects of written and spoken Somali * introduces variant past tense and key sentence structures used in spoken Somali * discusses correct answers to what and who-questions * contains verb, adjective, preposition and noun tables * discusses verb-related structures and a variant imperative structure * introduces type 3 potential sentences .adresses how to deal with tense-related ambiguity in negative and negative interrogative sentences. * addresses how to use the reflexive word 'is' with verbs and pronouns