Social Justice For Weaker Section

Astral International
Social Justice For Weaker Section

Social justice reflects a pattern of social norm and moral values and the individual conduct is to be evaluated on its basis. In this sense justice becomes the criterion for judging the individuals in a society. Unless and until the existing inequalities in society will not be removed, society will not be just. But in the contemporary political philosophy, liberty vs. equality debate about justice has been over. The composition of justice is liberty, equality and rights. This book major topic other sense of justice can be applied to the distribution of any 'goods' in society: freedom, rights, wealth, leisure and so on. And how to reformative laws and social justice: providing constitutional safeguard to weaker section. It has been very heartwarming to watch the convergence of social thinking upon many sources concerned with the present society and to note at the same time the multidisciplinary approaches of his focusing, sociologists and other specialist groups determined to create a stable up till now flowing notion of the social life of modern India. The book analyzes and investigates weaker section tribulations and show up in Indian constitutional.

Publisher: Astral International

Published: India, 1 January 2015

Format: Hardback, 138 pages

Dimensions: 23.4 x 15.6 x 1.1 centimeters (0.39 kg)

Writer: Ranjithkumar, A . & Anil A.