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Comments from Un-Blacklisted Celebrities "Things that they would think up had no value. The would print them and then the sponsors and the networks wouldn't hire you if your name was even mentioned in one of those rags. You were thoroughly blacklisted." Shirley Mitchel "They ruined a lot of lives. It was a terrible, terrible thing." George Fenneman "Counterattack people and many others were making it hard on nearly everyone." Ralph Bellamy "Writers had to use a front because they couldn't get hired. After all, they had families to support." Evelyn Keyes "We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty. When the loyal opposition dies, America dies." Edward R. Murrow Jason Hill, Author Life for Jason Hill has always been interesting. Twenty years a commercial pilot, including movies . . . twenty-five years in recording and radio. His long time mentor was Norman Corwin, who finally convinced him to write. Mr. Hill's published and upcoming works include Life in the Past Lane-Volumes One, Two & Three: and some poetry. He lives in the Chicago area.