PlayStation 4 Resident Evil 4 Game
The original Resident Evil 4 has become a classic in the world of survival horror, known for introducing the third-person-camera to the long-running franchise. Now, this reimagined experience brings the iconic narrative to life with greater depth and breathtaking visuals. New and die-hard fans alike can revel in the realistic beauty of the updated graphics and follow these more nuanced depictions of the characters that defined the 2005 survival horror icon.
- Title: Resident Evil 4
- Platform: PlayStation 4
- Rating: R18+
- Genre: Survival Horror
- Published by: Capcom
- Release date: 24/03/2023
- A reimagined version of the classic 2005 game, Resident Evil 4, reconstructed with realistic visuals and additional narrative depth
- Modernised gameplay builds on the series' approach to survival horror for a more seamless experience
- Engage in frenzied combat, solve puzzles to access new areas and collect useful items to help Leon and Ashley survive
- More diverse methods of attack allow Leon to face and overcome hordes of rabid enemies
- New, photorealistic visuals combine with stunning lighting and pooling shadows to create an intense atmosphere
- The iconic attaché case returns - allowing Leon to craft ammo on top of item and resource management, while including new customisation options
- Region: PAL
- No. of players: 1