No Words Posters : One Image is Enough

Armando Milani
No Words Posters : One Image is Enough
No Words Posters : One Image is Enough
ISBN: 9781939125095
Publication Date: 16 April 2015

No Words Posters is a collection of nearly 200 posters by over 100 designers from around the world. Milani has selectively gathered a visual repertoire of images that transcend the written word to deliver a unique perspective on social issues.

ARMANDO MILANI is a member of the Alliance Graphique Internationale (AGI) and president of Milani Design, with offices located in Milan and Provence. His previously published books include: Double Life, From the Eye to the Heart: 50 logos/50 posters and 50 Poems of Lawrence Ferlinghetti and 50 Images of Armando Milani. In 2003, Milani's poster design War/Peace was selected for international distribution by the United Nations.