New Zealand Bird Views : Terns

New Zealand Bird Views : Terns

The New Zealand bird views series highlights the common birds in New Zealand - the birds we view every day but tend to take for granted because they are always there. This volume presents over 100 previously unpublished photographs of the three species of common tern in New Zealand: Black-fronted tern, Caspian tern, White-fronted tern. The book shows birds flying, feeding, courting, nesting and raising their young. The text provides some background detail and the photos are used to illustrate the birds' lives as much as possible.

Publisher: Unbranded

Published: United Kingdom, 12 May 2012

Format: Paperback, 50 pages

Other Information: colour illustrations

Dimensions: 21.6 x 21.6 x 0.3 centimeters (0.10 kg)

Writer: Adams, Raewyn