Narrative Structure in Comics : Making Sense of Fragments

Barbara Postema
Narrative Structure in Comics : Making Sense of Fragments
Narrative Structure in Comics : Making Sense of Fragments
ISBN: 9781933360959
Publication Date: 18 June 2013

In Narrative Structure in Comics: Making Sense of Fragments, Barbara Postema seeks to explain how comics communicate and create meaning, with an emphasis on two aspects of comics. She first examines the pictorial quality ofcomics, which receives more emphasis than verbal/textual elements. Her second focus is upon the storytelling and narrative qualities of comics, as well as the literary explorations they provide. The "narrative structure" refersto the potential of images, the story telling capacities of panels, and the sequence of panels, in addition to the more traditional narratological concepts. Overall, the author presents a credible rationale for the way in which comics structure their narratives. At every level of communication, comics rely on gaps or absences to create meaning and guide the reader to a meaningful experience.