Murder in Mombasa

Robert Gribbin
Murder in Mombasa

The tale is recounted by the American Consul when in the aftermath of a riotous shore visit, a U.S. Navy seaman is accused of murdering a Kenyan girl. But did he do it? His alibi says no, but Kenya must have someone to prosecute for the crime. The pressure is on. The police, the public and government leaders clamor for conviction, so the case goes to trial. Not only is the man's guilt or innocence at stake, but also U.S. - Kenyan relations. Meanwhile shadowy terrorist operatives and their possible links to the crime cloud clarity. Will justice prevail or will it be trumped by political expediency?
Ripped from the headlines, this story is based on a real incident. The Mombasa, Kenya setting is impeccable as are descriptions of police, prison and judicial procedures. Furthermore, handling of the problem by U.S. diplomats provides insight into the operations of the consular service.