Kiki Kogelnik

Hatje Cantz
Kiki Kogelnik
Kiki Kogelnik (1935-1997) worked in the United States for almost four decades, for many years on an equal level with pop artists like Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein. However her work was overlooked for a long time. Kogelnik, who lived and worked in Vienna and New York, investigated themes related to politics, social criticism, the space age and the human body through her often colourful paintings, sculptures, collages and installations. She also experimented with new materials of the time such as vinyl. Kunsthall Stavanger and the Kiki Kogelnik Foundation have worked together to organise Inner Life, a comprehensive overview focussing on her sculptural works. The exhibition, as well as the abundantly illustrated catalogue present several works that have not been shown since the 1960s, as well as performances and happenings by the influential artist.Exhibition: 30.3.-13.8.2017, Kunsthall Stavanger, Norway