Jon Molvig : Maverick

Michael Hawker
Jon Molvig : Maverick

Jon Molvig : Maverick
ISBN: 9781921503962
Publication Date: 1 September 2019

Jon Molvig (1923-70) settled in his adopted Brisbane in 1955 and dominated the city's art scene into the late 1960s. A volatile and rebellious character, Molvig was also a charismatic teacher whose uncompromising commitment to painting inspired a group of young artists. Jon Molvig: Maverick will acknowledge Molvig's contribution to the Brisbane art community, feature his early, vibrant works drawing on European influences and bring his stylistic eclecticism to the fore.

Though short, Molvig's career was influential, and he was always highly regarded by his peers, as well as by critics Robert Hughes and James Gleeson. Despite wide acquisition of his works by public galleries and private collectors, Molvig's practice has not necessarily received the broader recognition it deserves. This beautifully designed and richly illustrated publication will revalue the artist's unique contribution to Australian and Queensland art history on the eve of the 50th anniversary of Molvig's death.

About the Authors

Glenn R Cooke is former Research Curator (Queensland Heritage), Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art. He recently curated With Heart and Hand: Art Pottery in Queensland to 1950 (Griffith University Art Museum, Brisbane, 2018).

Michael Hawker is Curator, Australian Art, Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art, and the curator of Jon Molvig: Maverick. He is also curator of Margaret Olley: A Generous Life (GOMA, 2019) and Lure of the Sun: Charles Blackman in Queensland (QAG, 2015).

Bruce Heiser is a former gallerist (Heiser Gallery, Brisbane, 2004-17) and author of Tempting Dame Fortune: A Brief History of the Dee Gold Rush, Central Queensland (Koro Press, 2018).

Michele Helmrich was formerly Associate Director (Curato...