Hitting the Nail on the Head

Unicorn Publishing Group
Hitting the Nail on the Head
John Piper was one the most articulate and interesting artists, known for his simplebut perceptive language, his breadth and vision and integrity as an artist and who livedthrough changing and evolving art times and movements – 1903-1992.The Complete Writings of John Piper offers for the first time a comprehensive rangeof views of one of the greatest and most varied (like Picasso in diversity and quality)British painters of the 20th Century. It includes all his writings, and provides aremarkable, vivid and uniquely personal and erudite view of the human controversies,art movements, concerns and exhibitions in literary and artistic circles, and by anauthor whose integrity and intelligence, development and thoughtfulness, despite thehostility of others, remained true and unique to his own inner voice. The writingsshow, from major works like the books and seminal writings all the way to simpleprefaces, how deeply Piper looked, cared and thought about what he was writing.For anyone interested in the arts across the broadest spectrum from theatre design,to stained glass, to music, to literature, to art politics, from marijuana to the deathpenalty, from abstraction to romanticism, from what it is to be an artist and true tooneself and resist commercial pressure, to the Royal Academy and to publishing its allhere. Furthermore Piper wrote as he painted, to share. As he said anything that is tobe kept as a secret is not worth keeping. A monumental undertaking over many yearsthese ten volumes are for anyone interested in the 20th Century and in being an artist.