
We have been walking upright for almost six million years and soon learned how to offload our body's weight on the arch of the foot. Salvatore Ferragamo dedicated all his life to the study of the foot's anatomy, also researching into architecture and engineering, as we can understand by looking at his patents. Walking, dancing barefoot or en pointe, advancing along a wire in the manner of a tight-rope walker, climbing mountains, stepping and marching on orders, wandering about to find oneself, roaming around: these are just some of the themes dealt with in Equilibrium, the new project by the Museo Salvatore Ferragamo, curated by Stefania Ricci and Sergio Risaliti. This volume is based on the comparison among magnificent, important and meaningful artworks of various origin. The project has been developed through several media: painting, sculpture, photography, video, cinema and printed editions. The geometric balancing of Wassily Kandinsky is displayed alongside the thread-like structures of Fausto Melotti; Albrecht Dürer's Fortuna with Giulio Paolini's funambulist; and portraits of Nijinsky alongside those of Isadora Duncan, Martha Graham and Trisha Brown.