Dostoevsky as Suicidologist by Amy D. Ronner

Lexington Books
Dostoevsky as Suicidologist by Amy D. Ronner
Product Specifications
  • Title: Dostoevsky as Suicidologist by Amy D. Ronner
  • Author: Amy D. Ronner
  • Publisher: Lexington Books
  • Binding: Paperback / softback
  • Literature history and criticism
  • No. of pages: 356
  • Dimensions (approx. mm): 152 x 229 x 28

Product Description

Through an analysis of suicide in Fyodor Dostoevsky’s writings Amy D. Ronner illustrates how his implicit awareness of self-homicide pre-figured theories of prominent suicidologists shaped both his philosophy and craft as a writer and forged a ligature between artistry and the pluripresent impulse to self-annihilate.