Death at the Terminus

Allison & Busby
Death at the Terminus
York, 1865. A passenger train stands in the station. Jack Follis, the guard,patrols the platform to make sure that everyone is safely aboard. He returns tothe brake van to load a box into it. Before the train can depart, Follis is alarmedby a smell of burning. Before he can find out the cause, there is an explosionand the whole van is engulfed in flames.In response to a summons from the Northeastern Railway, Robert Colbeck andVictor Leeming are sent to investigate. Leeming is not convinced that a crimehas taken place, but Colbeck disagrees. Although the information they receivedwas scant, he is convinced that it is a murder case. The longer the investigationgoes on, the more complex it becomes. Guilt shifts to and fro at a bewilderingspeed. It takes the combined skills of the detectives to identify and catch theperson responsible for causing murder and mayhem.