Bruce Lee Game of Death (Landscape Edition)

Eastern Heroes
Bruce Lee Game of Death (Landscape Edition)

Bruce Lee Game of Death (Landscape Edition)

This is a revised edition of the A4 Bruce Lee Game of Death Book.

The revised version has some updated colour photographs in several sections and a different layout and a higher photographic resolution

The Game of Death is a photographic journey showcasing over 200 pictures highlighting the only scenes that Bruce managed to commit to film before his tragic death.

The Hardback landscape edition consists of a forward and introduction. A section called the "Reconstruction of the Game of Death" and a section called Alternative endings. The photo sections will be level 1 Dan Inasanto, level 2 Jie Jan-Jae, and level 3 for the formidable bout with Abdul Kareem Jabar. Also includes Outside rehearsals. and behind-the-scenes photographs.

A must for fans of this uncompleted masterpiece.