Brian O'Doherty/Patrick Ireland: Word, Image and Institutional Critique

Brian O'Doherty/Patrick Ireland: Word, Image and Institutional Critique

This volume assembles fresh perspectives on the seminal work of New York-based Brian O'Doherty (born 1928) and his alter ego Patrick Ireland: his visual art practice, art criticism, institutional leadership and critique, media work and literary writing.

The contributing authors (including Alexander Alberro, Hans Belting, Lucy Cotter, Patricia Falgui�res and Thomas McEvilley, among others) provide new ideas on O'Doherty's versatile oeuvre. O'Doherty's role in conceptual art and minimalism in New York is as much a theme of this volume as his seminal critique of the modernist "white cube" gallery space, his art-historical ventures and Irish origins.