Both Worlds at Once: Art in Old Age

University Press of America
Both Worlds at Once: Art in Old Age

Both Worlds at Once is a study of works of art conceived and produced late in their creators' careers. It pronounces an alternative to the mainstream life span creativity research which has, in general, adopted a decline perspective to the fruits of old age. Amir Cohen-Shalev argues that this age-decrement approach misses what the artists themselves tried to do in old age, which is often to develop a new form that allows them to thrive on ambivalence. Against the bleak predictions of developmental psychology and folk wisdom, this book focuses on old age as a unique stage of creative activity.

Publisher: University Press of America

Published: United States, 1 April 2002

Format: Hardback, 176 pages

Age Range: 15+

Dimensions: 22 x 14.6 x 1.6 centimeters (0.34 kg)

Writer: Cohen-Shalev, Amir

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Overview: The Late and the Potent Chapter 2 Old Age Creativity and Midlife Research Chapter 3 Freedom Still to Question: The Drama of Pierre Corneille Chapter 4 Ibsen's Choice: "Poetic Bark" or "Life's Ironic Puff?" Chapter 5 "Tutto Nel Mondo e Burla:" The Operas of Giuseppe Verdi Chapter 6 The Laws of Art and the Dictates of the Heart: Piet Mondrian and Samuel Beckett Chapter 7 The Life Cycle Revisited: Bergman's Two Views of Aging Chapter 8 The Enigma of Art in Old Age: In Lieu of a Theory

About the Author

Amir Cohen-Shalev is Senior Lecturer, Tel-Hai College, Upper Galilee, Israel, and Teaching Fellow at the University of Haifa.