Book Art Object 2

Stanford University Press
Book Art Object 2

The most ambitious and diverse survey of the book arts published to date, Book Art Object 2 serves as a record of the third biennial Codex Book Fair and Symposium, "The Fate of the Art," held in Berkeley, California in 2011. The event showcased contemporary artist books, and fine press and fine art editions produced by the world's most esteemed printers, designers, book artists, and artisans.

In addition to showcasing 300 projects by 140 artists/printers, Book Art Object 2 also presents a selection of the papers delivered at the 2009 and 2011 symposium lectures:

Paul van Capelleveen, The National Library of the Netherlands: Changing Books: Art and the Contemporary Dutch Private Press Book

Richard Ovenden, Keeper of Special Collections and Associate Director, Bodleian Library, Oxford: Book Arts in the 21st Century Research Library

Juan Nicanor Pascoe, Proprietor, Taller Martin Pescador, Michoacan: Fine Printing in Mexico: Taller Martin Pescador, Michoacan

Antoine Coron, Head of Special Collections, Bibliotheque Nationale de France: Publishing Artists' Books in France Today

Ron King, artist, History and Collaboration: Circle Press

Also presented are 'dispatches' from renowned artists, printers, and curators including Johannes Strugalla and Ulrike Stoltz of Germany; Jason Dewinetz of Canada; Des Cowley of New Zealand; Sarah Bodmen and Tom Sowden of United Kingdom; and Sandro Berra of Italy.