Bluey Kids' Trike w/ Bucket - Blue
This adorable little trike is the perfect way for little learners to take the next step towards independence. A perfect stepping stone from ride-on toddler toys to riding a bicycle, this stable trike is sure to be a hit. With a bucket for them to cart around their belongings, they'll have endless fun pedalling their little legs!
- Bluey bikes
- Design: Kids' Trike with Bucket
- Colour: Blue
- Tough steel frame
- Comfort grips
- Rear storage bucket
- Bluey front plate
- Promotes co-ordination and mobility
- Materials: Steel/rubber
- Recommended for ages: 3-6 years
- Weight capacity: 25kg (max.)
- Dimensions (approx. cm):
- Overall: 65.5 x 45 x 54 (L x W x H)
- Front wheel: 25 (Diameter)
- Assembly required: Yes