BLACK--Ceramic cute pet bowl pet drinking bowl cat food bowl dog food bowl

BLACK--Ceramic cute pet bowl pet drinking bowl cat food bowl dog food bowl

1. CUTE DESIGN - The round bowl comes with a paw print pattern which makes the bowl look very cute. Your lovely dog deserves it.
2. Non-Slip - The dog bowl is made of food-grade porcelain and is easy to clean. The ceramic is heavy and helps keep the bowl upright while the dog eats the food. No need to clean messy floors.
3. EASY TO CLEAN - The pet bowl has a smooth surface and you can easily clean it. Bowls are easy to keep clean and hygienic because we know how important your pet's health is to you.
4. Ideal for dry kibble, wet food, snacks or water. Just use the pet bowl and let your dog or cat enjoy his food. Unlike plastic and stainless steel, ceramic materials are less prone to bacteria growth.