Anthony Caro - Stainless Steel : Stainless Steel

Karen Wilkin
Anthony Caro - Stainless Steel : Stainless Steel
Anthony Caro - Stainless Steel : Stainless Steel
ISBN: 9781848223486
Publication Date: 5 October 2019

This is the sixth volume in Lund Humphries’ series of monographs on British sculptor Anthony Caro and the first publication to focus on his use of stainless steel as a distinct body of work. Caro employed stainless steel extensively, from intimately scaled Table Sculptures to extremely large works, over many decades. Caro's exploration and interrogation of this material became increasingly important in his mature works. Karen Wilkin analyzes Caro’s use of stainless steel in the context of the development of modernist constructed sculpture, pioneered in the United Kingdom by Caro and in the United States by David Smith, a friend and admired predecessor, from whom Caro inherited most of the stainless steel he first employed following Smith's untimely death. Karen Wilkin's text represents a much needed overview of Caro's late career and a vital expansion of our understanding of twentieth-century and early twenty-first-century modernist sculpture.