Why is my Phone Using So Much Data? Tips to Reduce Data Usage

Data is expensive. The problem is that phones need them for just about everything. That doesn’t mean that you can’t reduce your data usage. There are countless reasons why you’re burning through data, but most have solutions that are easy to implement. By cutting down on data usage, you’re saving yourself money at the end of the day. So, let’s take a look at 11 tips to reduce data usage!

Utilise Wi-Fi At All Times

The first and most obvious step is to use wi-fi networks at all times. It doesn’t matter where they are; find them and utilise them. Every moment spent using your phone on a wi-fi network means a moment spent not wasting precious and expensive data. A lot of places now offer wi-fi as amenities, like coffee shops, malls, etc. So take advantage where you can.

Look At Which Apps Are Consuming The Most Data

Start scrutinising the apps on your phone and figuring out how much data they actually use. You’re going to be shocked by some of the worst offenders. You can take this information and do a few things with it. For starters, if you don’t use the app, delete it. Secondly, if you think the usage is high for any particular app, find ways to minimise that usage to the best of your ability. It’s easy to learn what apps are doing when it comes to data usage in the settings.

Try The Lite Versions of Data Consuming Apps

A lot of social media platforms have introduced data-saving versions over the years to accommodate users who want to use social media but might not have the data to do it full-on. These apps are somewhat limited in what you’re able to do, and they’re by no means the best way to be online, but the truth is they’re effective in saving data. So if you’re in a data-consuming conundrum, this might be your best bet.

Turn Off Background Apps

There are a lot of apps that consume data in the background, even when they’re not being used. They actually also do it when the device isn’t in use at all. It’s up to you to monitor the apps on your phone to understand which apps are serial offenders. Often the culprits are social media and games, but they’re not alone. If you find apps that are running in the background, determine if they’re necessary apps and then delete or restrict them in the settings.

Download Streaming Content On Wi-Fi For Later

Another great way to use the wi-fi is to download streaming content on the wi-fi for consumption at a later date. For example, streaming sites like Netflix and Disney+ have download features to allow you to download a series/movie and watch it in the app whenever you want. The same can be done with music apps like Apple Music and Spotify. You can even achieve this on YouTube! So, there are options available to help you use streaming services, but without the fear of running out of data all the time and racking up excessive bills.

Download Webpages

Chrome, Safari, and Firefox offer the ability to cache web pages to make it easier to return to them without needing data. You can easily cache pages by selecting the options in the app and clicking download. You’re able to do this on wi-fi networks, thus allowing them to be accessed whenever you’re ready without needing to fetch and download the results, making it far less data-consuming.

Social media apps like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube are the biggest offenders in this category, but they’re not alone. Even webpages have these features built-in. So, go to the settings in your apps that contain video content and make it so they don’t just automatically play a video without your permission.

Create Limits On Data Usage

If you think that despite your best efforts, you’re still going through too much data, it’s time to get stricter. Start limiting your data usage manually. You’re able to control this, but by knowing that you’re exceeding self-set limits, you can have better control and accountability over your data usage, which might help you learn better.

Get Rid of Malware

To get rid of malware, you need good antivirus apps to detect malware and rid your phone of it entirely. However, this isn’t a one-and-done thing. Malware is always able to infect your phone, so do these checks routinely and address them as necessary.

Optimise Phone Sync Features

Depending on your file system, you’re likely having apps like Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, iCloud, etc. Syncing constantly in the background. It’s important you switch off auto-sync and instead just sync when you’re on wi-fi. The unfortunate reality is that if you don’t sink often enough, you’re putting files, pictures, videos, etc., at risk of being lost forever in the unlikely event your phone breaks, is stolen, or is wiped.

Update Apps On Wi-Fi

App updates are just about the worst offenders there are. They’re often set to auto-update, which can be a painful life lesson. You don’t suspect it, and it just happens, and you’re often too slow to stop it before the damage is done. The first step is to turn off the auto-update feature and then only update the apps when you can on a wi-fi network.

Turn Off Mobile Data When Possible

If you’re on wi-fi networks, you don’t need mobile data. So take these moments to switch off your mobile data to ensure you’re not accidentally using it if the signal drops


While you’re reducing data usage, you should consider getting better deals on data to begin with. Catch Mobile offers the cheapest mobile phone plans Australia has to offer while not sacrificing the quality of service. You’ll stay connected without you overspending on the best mobile plan. So, take a look at the products we’ve got on offer and some of our amazing specials!