Spinfire Inferno Racquet Stringing Machine for Tennis, Squash and Badminton

This machine is capable of stringing tennis, squash and badminton racquets, and now comes standard with the new V50 clamps which you can see here. The v50 clamps are hybrids, meaning they will string tennis, squash or badminton racquets. No need for different clamps for different racquets.
You can also upgrade the base clamps from the standard base clamps to the automatic base clamps.
- Strings any racquets: tennis, squash & badminton
- Sturdy construction
- Manual crank (wind back mechanism)
- Turntable brake
- 6-point external mounting system for secure racquet mounting
- Individually micro-adjustable side support arms
- Universal side supports accommodate all types of frames
- Full 360o turntable rotation
- Two high quality 360o dual action swivel clamps
- Tools included: Awl, angled cutters, needle nosed pliers
- The base of the machine has the dimensions 65cm wide x 38cm deep but the width increases to 84cm with the turntable. The height is 50cm.
- Weighs 25.8 kg