Vodka with Caramel 700ml

Underground Spirits
Vodka with Caramel 700ml
Our Vodka with Caramel is distinct and delicious. Hard not to follow with the words indulgent and moreish. It has risen to recognition as the base is our multi award-winning vodka which has been meticulously crafted from sustainably grown highest quality Australian wheat. Post distillation, our cryofiltration process ensures all impurities are removed, leaving us with a vodka of unsurpassed purity and clarity. The caramel is made for us in Queensland, which is thoroughly folded into the vodka. Most sip this and say “wow”. This Product is offered and supplied by Underground Spirits, Liquor Licence No. 14005685 (ACT). Please note, this product cannot be delivered to Dry Zones. Underground Spirits supports the Responsible Service of Alcohol. Under the Liquor Act 2010. A person must not sell or supply liquor to a person under 18 years old on premises where the sale or supply of liquor is authorised or in a public place. Maximum Penalty $5500.2.0