Underground Spirits Shiraz Gin Pepperberries 700ml

Underground Spirits
Underground Spirits Shiraz Gin Pepperberries 700ml
What serendipity - a striking gin, unique with each batch. The foundation is our multi award-winning gin, with multiplication of Tasmanian pepperberry allowing it to dominate the blend from the still. The maturing process is in shiraz oak barrels handed over from local region winemakers, for around eight weeks. The results are a remarkable uniqueness - each batch derived from the individual flavour qualities of each barrel. This is an absolute modern classic. This Product is offered and supplied by Underground Spirits, Liquor Licence No. 14005685 (ACT). Please note, this product cannot be delivered to Dry Zones. Underground Spirits supports the Responsible Service of Alcohol. Under the Liquor Act 2010. A person must not sell or supply liquor to a person under 18 years old on premises where the sale or supply of liquor is authorised or in a public place. Maximum Penalty $5500.2.0