Kingfisher Premium Indian Lager Beer 330ml
Conventionally fermented beer, with a perfect balance of flavour congeners. It is brewed to the highest international standards, from the finest quality malted barley and hops. This Indian style lager is just the ticket for those who prefer a beer that's light in colour and smooth in body. Incredibly clean and instantly refreshing, it's a great choice of lager for serving alongside curries and spicy cuisine.
This Product is offered and supplied by PAUL'S LIQUOR STORE PTY. LTD, Liquor Licence No. LIQP700354364. Please note, this product cannot be delivered to Dry Zones & PO boxes. PAUL'S LIQUOR STORE PTY. LTD supports the Responsible Service of Alcohol. Warning - Under the Liquor Control Reform Act 1998 it is an offence to supply alcohol to a person under the age of 18 years (penalty exceeds $17,000), for a person under the age of 18 years to purchase or receive liquor (penalty exceeds $700).