Tomy Octopals Bath Toy

4.5 Star Rating
(463 Reviews)
Tomy Octopals Bath Toy

Have fun squirting and counting and making a splash in the bath with this family of octopuses! The mummy octopus sits in the middle of the floating island surrounded by her eight babies. Each baby can stick to the sides of the bath or bath tiles and features a different number that corresponds to a number on the base for matching fun! Better still, the mum acts as a pouring cup and her babies are water squirters! 


  • TOMY Octopals
  • Mummy octopus acts as a water pourer
  • Eight baby octopuses act as water squirters
  • Octopuses sit in the island base
  • Match the numbers on the baby octopuses to the base
  • Babies can stick to the sides of the bath 
  • Interactive learning
  • For ages 12 months and up