Hinkler The Power of Chakras Book & Wisdom Card Set

Enhance your mind's eye, increase spiritual vitality and explore the world of chakras. Designed to help you understand spiritual power with a book containing the principles of Chakra combined with an affirmation-card set and a poster, this set is ideal for those wanting to start their journey of spiritual wisdom.
- Title: The Power of Chakras Set
- Publisher: Hinkler
- Set includes:
- 64-page book
- 50 x affirmation cards
- Chakra poster
- Genre: Healing and Meditation
- Fiction
A Bit About The Brand / More Info
Hinkler is a global, independent publisher based in Melbourne, Australia. Their mission is to surprise and delight every child, adult and retailer they meet by publishing books with a difference. For booklovers of all ages, they have a quality book, kit, game or puzzle for you.