Making up with JB by Jeremy Fernando

Delere Press
Making up with JB by Jeremy Fernando
Product Specifications
  • Title: Making up with JB by Jeremy Fernando
  • Author: Jeremy Fernando
  • Publisher: Delere Press
  • Binding: Paperback / softback
  • History of art art & design styles
  • No. of pages: 56
  • Dimensions (approx. mm): 178 x 127 x 4

Product Description

This book addresses the question: what happens after the betrayal?


And it comes after the orgy of Why hasn’t JB already disappeared (Delere Press 2017): keeping in mind that the title is in the form of a statement and not a question; even though the quest constantly haunts what is stated and remains with us — quite possibly — as l’intelligence du mal. For even as writing on someone even in homage is always already a writing on writing over perhaps even a writing-out of someone it is also an addition of an adding of something onto; where writing is a scratching into a surface at the very same time as something is scratched out of a material from a medium.


Thus writing on JB about JB is quite possibly literally writing JB’s disappearance.


And where what is read can be read is perhaps what allows itself to be seen to be glimpsed at — the remains of the skin which comes to us; the simulacrum as it were.


Where the very disappearance happens in the appearance: otherwise we could not even know of its possibility. Where the very art in the notion of « the whole art is to know how to disappear before dying and instead of dying » lies in the artifice called disappearance itself.


Which opens the possibility that my reconciliation with JB — our making up as it were — could lie in nothing other than make up itself.